
Just Say No to DIY Hair Color - Utopia Salon and Spa

Just Say No to DIY Hair Color

04 13, 2020

If your budget or schedule has kept you away from the Salon a little longer than you’d like, the Hair Color kits on the drug store shelves can start to look tempting. They are cheap. They only take about 30 minutes to an hour, and they promise professional results in the comfort of your home. Why not give it a try? Well, there are a few reasons you should leave the box on the shelf and just say no to DIY Hair Color.

You Could Ruin Your Clothes and Your Bathroom

The directions might make it sound simple, and your Stylist may make it look easy, but hair dye can create quite a mess. Hair dye stains pretty much anything it touches, including floors, walls, shower stalls, sinks, clothing, towels, hands and nails, foreheads, necks, and ears! One drop on the floor can turn into a frantic fit of scrubbing that smears it into two square feet of forever colored tiles. And when you rinse in the sink or shower the dye splatters everywhere.

It Can Go Completely Wrong

If your hair has been previously dyed, applying the wrong type or shade of dye can end in total disaster. You could end up with Color completely different than you intended. Mixing the wrong hues or attempting to go too light or too dark could result in anything from a muddy brown to brassy blonde to a hot mess of green or orange.

It’s Unreliable
Not all dyes are created equal, and colors can vary greatly from what is pictured on the box. The quality and age of the dye can really affect the outcome. Some of those boxes may have been sitting on store shelves for months, maybe even years. Even DIY pros can meet with disaster if their favorite brand is sold out and it turns out that another brand’s idea of strawberry blonde is not the same as yours.

So step away from the supermarket dye kit, put on a hat or wide headband to hide those roots, and reserve an appointment at Utopia Salon and Spa. Our professional Colorists will have your hair looking gorgeous again in no time. Call us today at 856-794-9200. You can find us at 510 North East Avenue in Vineland, New Jersey. Download our free mobile app from iTunes or Google Play to manage appointments from your phone.

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